Monday, March 25, 2013

Now What?

Well, school is done. Like, done done. I mean, I still want/need to get my credentials/masters but my undergrad is done. I kind of can't believe it. This was a 9.5 year degree in the making. Yes, it took me way too long but I have been putting work before school since I was 17. It wasn't until about 3 years ago, that I decided that school needed to be done and I worked toward it much more aggressively. Now the big question is- what next? Well, I am going to give myself a year before beginning the next degree. Until then though, I think I have a lot of me time that I need to take advantage of. 

  • I want to work out, push myself to the limits, and become as strong (mentally and physically) than I have ever been.
  • Painting. My amazing boyfriend bought me a beautiful easel when I started this hobby and I haven't gotten much use out of it. 
  • Organizing. The house can always use this, as can the garage. 
  • Catching up with friends. I can't believe how much I have put this off. Life seems to fly by when all of your time is accounted for. 
  • Relax. Now that my time is not so occupied, I need to learn to not cram everything in all the time. I need to just. chill. 
  • Read! I can read non-school related books (I can very excited about this). 

Running has been amazing and I am up to 5 miles right now. I am right on track for the Redlands on April 1st. To re-evaluate my goals, I re-posted the runs I had in mind below:

  • Run Through Mesa view Middle School 5k (done!) 
  • Angels Baseball 5k- this is on Saturday and I think I am more than ready for it. 
  • Run Through Redlands 10k- I just signed up today.
  • Survivor Mud Run in Sept- I have signed up for this already as well. 
  • Rock 'n Roll half in Las Vegas- this is the only one left for me to sign up for. Hopefully I can do that once I get my tax return.

Last year I was able to do the Angels 5k at 32:08. I must have been much faster than I am now, which is a little disappointing because I am not sure I can beat that. I will try, but not be upset if I don't. I am also right on track for my 365 miles in 365 days goal. To date, I should have at least 84 miles under my belt and as of today (after my 4 mile run), I am at 88.61.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Yay for miles

Since it is spring break for Kale's kids, we get to run in Redlands this week. Not only does that mean I get a little break from driving to Yucaipa, but I get a break from running hills! Today we did amazing and it was one of those runs that just pumped me up and made me have the biggest runner's high. We were able to do 4.75 at 11:30 minute miles. We could have made it to 5, but I think we underestimated the sun today. Since the weather likes to change drastically every week now, we weren't sure how hot it would be today. It wasn't too bad but my mouth was extremely dry and I needed water BAD. After we hit about 3.5 miles, it just continued to get worse. I licked my lips, I cleared my throat, I tried conjuring up any saliva I could, but it just made my mouth even worse. We stopped a little shy of my house, walking the remainder and then downed water as soon as we got inside. 

These (minus the lack of water) are the types of runs I love. When the sun is beating on my shoulders and I am running with ease and can control my breathing, it makes the run so relaxing and wonderful. I know this time will be limited because once it really starts heating up, the dry mouth issue gets bad before I hit even mile one. Kale and I even played with the idea of doing 5am runs this summer. Ask me again in a couple months though. Obviously, easier said than done. 

Wednesday we will try this again and hope to hit the 5 mile mark, which means we are well on our way! April is the RTR (run through Redlands), which I need to sign up for next pay period and I think I will be more than ready for just over 6 miles. 

I guess another big thing I should bring up, is that I am done with school in one week. I am one week away from having my Bachelor's, a degree I worked on for almost 10 years. I should be ecstatic and part of me is, but mostly, I am terrified. I have no idea what's to come but I think I have made up mind (90% sure) that I will not start a Master's program or Master's/credentials program for a year. I think I deserve one year off and, hopefully, I can concentrate on the things that make me truly happy (like running, reading, painting). It will be nice to only have to worry about a full time job and I hope I will be in that mind set in a week, instead of fearing the future. At least I know that I have exercise and other things that I am not afraid of and can continue to improve myself that way. So next time I post, I will be an educated, Bachelor's-holding blogger!

Miles to date: 63.53