Monday, March 25, 2013

Now What?

Well, school is done. Like, done done. I mean, I still want/need to get my credentials/masters but my undergrad is done. I kind of can't believe it. This was a 9.5 year degree in the making. Yes, it took me way too long but I have been putting work before school since I was 17. It wasn't until about 3 years ago, that I decided that school needed to be done and I worked toward it much more aggressively. Now the big question is- what next? Well, I am going to give myself a year before beginning the next degree. Until then though, I think I have a lot of me time that I need to take advantage of. 

  • I want to work out, push myself to the limits, and become as strong (mentally and physically) than I have ever been.
  • Painting. My amazing boyfriend bought me a beautiful easel when I started this hobby and I haven't gotten much use out of it. 
  • Organizing. The house can always use this, as can the garage. 
  • Catching up with friends. I can't believe how much I have put this off. Life seems to fly by when all of your time is accounted for. 
  • Relax. Now that my time is not so occupied, I need to learn to not cram everything in all the time. I need to just. chill. 
  • Read! I can read non-school related books (I can very excited about this). 

Running has been amazing and I am up to 5 miles right now. I am right on track for the Redlands on April 1st. To re-evaluate my goals, I re-posted the runs I had in mind below:

  • Run Through Mesa view Middle School 5k (done!) 
  • Angels Baseball 5k- this is on Saturday and I think I am more than ready for it. 
  • Run Through Redlands 10k- I just signed up today.
  • Survivor Mud Run in Sept- I have signed up for this already as well. 
  • Rock 'n Roll half in Las Vegas- this is the only one left for me to sign up for. Hopefully I can do that once I get my tax return.

Last year I was able to do the Angels 5k at 32:08. I must have been much faster than I am now, which is a little disappointing because I am not sure I can beat that. I will try, but not be upset if I don't. I am also right on track for my 365 miles in 365 days goal. To date, I should have at least 84 miles under my belt and as of today (after my 4 mile run), I am at 88.61.

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